

  Today, I browsed a interesting website: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/ I found  stimulating NEWS of Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books.Born in Tokyo, Dusseldorf-based artist Ramon Todo creates beautiful textural juxtapositions using layers of glass in unexpected places. Starting with various stones, volcanic rock, fragments of the Berlin wall, and even books.
  This work has the contrast of new and old and materials. However, the combinations which breaks our logic are harmonious and new.

  Coincidently, I saw my professor's Weibo( Chinese Twitter) introduced a pioneer of surrealism, Meret Oppenheim who is a Swiss artist.

  This is her famous creation, Fur Breakfast.

 Look at these works, I am thinking, I can try something surrealistic in my kiosk. Generally speaking, the decoration of cafe is always warm. Designers like using wood as the main material. Now, I want to use reflective material. It is like the dark mirror. It will break the normal logic of people's perspectives of cafes. As for the colour, I choose navy and white, because they are simple and cool. 
  Some buildings or installation use the mirror:

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