
How to Balance Creativity and Function?

  This week, Joe did not come. We met another man teacher who I did not know his name. He always said,just do it! I love his words which gives me the decisive brave and let me insist on my idea.
  He likes my first plan, I also like it. The inspiration of first plan comes from the CD box, and the concept of second plan is from the matchbox. The first one is more creative than second one, but there are some realistic and limited factors, for example, the difference in height of floor, the roof and the location of wheels. 
  original one: in this kiosk, there is an entrance in the central unit. In the left unit, there is bar table and chairs. The special family area is in the right unit. Left and right units can be opened in any angle and use wood floor to connect them.

  second one: thinking of the structure, this kiosk can be opened in 60 and 90°. Bar tables are in both side with chairs which are put in the square. Add the "drawer-style" roof.

  Sometimes, I am confuse. I know function is important, but interestingness and creativity also are important. Meeting function may be at the cost of interestingness.  Maybe it is based on what you are look for...... It is hard to get them all.

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