
Lincoln Cathedral

  Every time when I see the wonderful churches, cathedrals or abbeys,such as, St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, I only understand the Gothic arches or domes. And the complicated carvings make me feel dazzling.
  Recently, I watch the BBC documentary, Churches: How to Read Them.
  It is interesting and helpful, because in my living environment, temples are the main religious buildings. There are some churches, but they are not exquisite.  
  Through this documentary, I get the hang of church little by little. Taylor studies in many churches in UK which have different characters. He introduces the background, stories and carvings of some special churches. So, when I went to Lincoln Cathedral, I felt better. 
  Before I went to Lincoln, I found a story about the little and famous imp in Lincoln Cathedral. These carvings always have their own stories or legends.

The Angel turns the naughty imp into stone
    Two great rose windows, which are a highly uncommon feature among medieval architecture in England. On the south side there is the “Bishop's Eye”, one of the largest examples of curvilinear tracery seen in medieval architecture. This window made me think of the rose window of York Cathedral. Its rose window was in the memory of Rose War. 

Dean's Eye

Bishop's Eye
    European are good at stone carvings.
   Pointed arch, the mark of medieval buildings.

  Lovely girls, they were making wishes.

rehearsal of choir
  Lincoln is a small city, but the people are more peaceful than people in Nottingham. There are lots of vintage shops, selling exquisite old things, such as, telescope, mouth organ, lace, post cards and ties. I had  nice travelling experience in Lincoln. 

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