
Respond to the Surroungdings

  Before I talk about this topic, I want to ask a question: Is it necessary to respond with  the environment surroundings buildings?
  Hadid said, if the the surroundings is the shit, why do buildings need to echo it?
  So, respond is flexible. It is not necessary to respond the environment every time. And the building we created will be the new environment of that area.
  About our project 2 in Winchester, the handout shows  "the building acts an environmental filter, and good design may be used to control the internal spatial and environmental conditions." In the stage 1, we made the terrain model and analysed the physical characteristic of the site. This is a conservation area , I believe it will be nice to echo the environment.

  This is a museum, teshima art museum, designed by architect Nishizawa Ryue (he and Kazuyo Sejima established the SANAA)and a Japanese artist. This museum has the respond to nature through its shape, composition and spirit.

model of the museum in Venice Architecture Biennale 2012
  The museum and trees echo each other, showing the boundary of the artificial building and nature.

  In the museum, there are lots of "water bays" on the floor. They change their shapes and directions when the wind blows.

  The voice of seawater beating rocks and wind blowing leaves echos in that space. The change of the whole building follows the change of sun and time.

  In my eyes, it is a perfect respond to the surroundings. The idea is so nice! Nothing is fancy, but everything is natural and makes people comfortable.
  Turn to project 2, I want to have a intensive respond to these endangered trees, particularly the Yews. In my hometown, the Nanyue montain which is the one of 5 greatest mountains in China has some Yews. When I was little, my grandfather taught how to recognize these trees.

 Maybe I will use the shape,round to do my design. But I cannot give the conclusion now, I try to keep an open mind.

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