
Poetry And Architecture

  In the university, I tried to write some poems due to my professor. Some of them are not good, but there is the one,called match stick which my professor said it was an interesting poem (I also love this one and I think it is my most successful poem :p). It is hard to get the praise from that professor, even we are friends beyond generation.
  My professor loves a French poet whose name is Arthur Rimbaud. He influenced modern literature and arts, inspired various musicians, and prefigured surrealism.I bought a collection of his poems and I love his works,such as,The Drunken Boat,Vowels,Ophelia. My favorite poem comes from his book,Hell one season.
  Recently, since Rimbaud's poems, I have been thinking the relationship between architecture and poetry. Can I use the rhythm of poetry to built the buildings? I remember when I was a student of the middle school, my Chinese teacher said the poem had the beautiful rhythm of architectures. So,in turn, the architectures can have the rhythm of the poems.  

  Yesterday, I had the English course with Lia. She gave me the teaching material about the "LA CASA DEL OJO DE AGUA" ("house of the waterhole"). This residence is related to our second project. After the course, I read the material again and carefully. I found the interesting conclusion at the end of the article. The author uses the word, punctuation, grammar and examples of poems without grammar or punctuation to explain the buildings.
  "As the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein suggested, meaning in language resides less in the individual words themselves and more in the grammar of the ways in which those words are put together.
  Something similar can happen in architecture. The equivalents of words in architecture are the basic architectural elements of floor, wall, roof etc."
  About the buildings, I think the basic designing principles,such as the normal habitats of people, are the grammar. Based on the correct grammar, try to write the different rhythm of buildings. In another word, I can use the architectural elements of floor, wall and roof to create the different styles via the different rhetorical devices, such as,repetition, hyperbole, simile and so on.

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