
Respond to the Surroundings——Building Acts an Environmental Filter

  Recently, I started to understand the real meaning and function of my research. Thanks to my research, the thinking and designing processes are smoothing. The appearance of everything has its own reason and logic. I reaaaaally love this feeling and way of study, which improve my design and make me more professional.
  During the project 1, I knew I need do research, but I did not think I caught the real meaning of my research. Sometimes, they were a little blind. You know, I was in the exploration stage, I felt I like the zombie who just know to beat someone but do not realize the effects and results.
  However, the condition has changed! During my project 2, I can apply my research results to my design. For me, it is perfect!
  1. the concept shape
  My concept shape is round. It comes from the shape of yew trees' fruit. Besides, if people want to get the good view, round can offer the continuous view to house-owners. ( In my basic analyses of this site, I analysed the trees, colour of trees and the changes of colour. All of these are the beauty scenery)

  2. change of the concept shape
  Due to the sun path and orientation, my shape changed. It became the ellipse, because I want to get more sunshine. Then, in order to avoid the overshadowing, I raise my building.

  3. How does sun have the influence on the building?
  Actually, sun is a big problem. In the Winter, people welcome the sunshine, whereas in the Summer, there is a potential risk of overheating. People's altitude changes during one year. Therefore, the building needs to be more humanized. In order to meet people's demand, I turn the direction of the room, creating the transition space. It is like the attached space.

architecture in a climate of change  Peter F.Smith

  Apart from that, I think I can get sunshine from another way, the top window. The design is three-dimensional. That is cool.

  Lastly, I read the book, design with climate ,showing a picture about building shapes with directional orientation, which enlightens me to make room multilateral.

  There is an interesting relationship between rooms and sun's orientation in that book.

  4. the passive ventilation
  The main wind direction is SW and SSW. Ventilation is related to the windows and doors. Of course, the stairs. So, I use a normal solution to resolve the problem of ventilation. It is the stairs which are near the central building.

  Overall, the research helps me to think and design deeply and reasonably. Unlike in the university, sometimes the reason of I created something was I just loved the shape. That's all. I benefits from my research! You are right, Adam! You said, the research and our blog are the answers when Joe and B ask us why.

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