
The Brief of This Project

Although most Chinese universally do not have the religious belief now, our cosmology is affected by the Confucianism profoundly. Confucian view of life and death is: when people are alive, the most important thing is that understand the meaning of life. Then, people will understand the meaning of death naturally and gradually. Besides, death means people come back to the universe and nature. Now the trouble is, people know this viewpoint, but they still have been not willing to face the death. Therefore, in this project I want to turn my design into urban landscape and push it integrate into life every day, leading people to understand the viewpoint well and telling them that they can get along well with death. Death can be like fried chips in our daily life.
1.       Combine the “ashes storage space” with normal and daily activities, i.e., running, walking and playing.   
2.  Waterscape which can be a contemplative space for the deceased’s family and friends and also can be a resting place for the public.

Facing the shrink of the Wollaton Park and the pollution generated by funeral processes, such as, energy used by cremation, carbon dioxide discharged by cremation and cars. I aim to do the eco-friendly design, which means the project cannot intrude into animals’ life, try to reduce the further pollution and consider the future development of this project.
1.       Take advantages of the family tombs to reduce the scale of “ashes storage space”.
2.       Use the ecological forms of commemoration, such as: ecological sculptures and free captive animalsChinese believe that the animal freed by you may be you death relatives or friends.
3.       Diversify the forms of “ashes storage space”. For example, Ashes’ main chemical components are Calcium and Phosphorus which are fertilizer. So, ashes can be associated with planting.

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