
Royal Academy of Arts: Sensing Spaces

  This exhibition is from 25 January to 6 April 2014.
  Sensing Spaces is a international exhibition because there are 7 architects who are from the different countries with different cultural background. They are Grafton Architects (Ireland), Diebedo Francis Kere (Burkina Faso and Germany), Kengo Kuma (Japan), Li Xiaodong (China), Pezo von Ellrichshausen (Chile) and Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal). Through this exhibition, I find that Asian architects prefer the raw and natural materials while Western architects prefer the artificial materials and their means are more science instead of being casual. This feature also reflects in the paintings. For example, western painters love to use the science means to do the composition, such as the perspective and permutation. However, Asian painters use cavalier perspective and chase the romantic charm.
  Go down to the business,the heart of this exhibition is the interaction between three factors: the nature of physical spaces, our perception of them, and their evocative power. Based on this, I want to introduce the Chinese architect first since I am a Chinese and his work make me miss home.
  From Li Xiaodong's video, he says in this forest,people will be lost and try to find the direction. Then, they will encounter a Zen Garden. You can see the N0.5 which is the plan of Li Xiaodong's installation.


the entrance

I am very familiar with the smell of this kind of tree, which makes me miss my home.

Zen Garden with mirror-wall
  This is installation's name is Blue Pavilion, Pezo von Ellrichshausen.

frame the view

  This is the most interesting installation in this Gallery, because it is really interactive and attracting. Its name is Kere Achitecture.

  Eduardo Souto de Moura's works.

   Grafton Architects.

  Alvaro Siza's work is the small square.

  Kengo Kuma's work. I love him very much! In order to protect the bamboo, the temperature of this room is low. The permutation of bamboo makes the installation look like the flame.

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