
Everyone's East Lake

    SHENZHEN HUAQIAOCHENG, a real estate developer in China, in order to build an eco-community(actually, eco-community is their excuse, what they want is the money.) and a happy valley, filled the east lake. But they claimed that they did not fill lake. You know, Google earth does not allow you to tell a lie. Donghu is the most important lake in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. And this lake is a famous and national travelling spot. Besides, this lake carries the memory of the locals.
    LI JUCHUANG , an architect, artist in Wuhan, organized the public to disclose Shenzhen Huaqiaocheng's illegal behaviour by showing their artist works around the east lake. These red and blue marks are the locations where people showed their art works.
    Their official website:  http://www.donghu2010.org

    Some of people's works:

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