
Skyspace, James Turrell

  Today's visiting is a warm-up of future study. We visited the York Sculpture Park and Wakefiled's museum. Compared with David Chipperfield's work( THE HEPWORTH WAKEFIELD), I prefer the James Turrell's skyspace, because his work is simpler and purer.
  I took this photo in James's architectural installation. The square skylight lets me feel something about the religion.

  This skylight makes the sky become more closed. Before I come to here, I cannot image that I can appreciate the sky in this way.In UK, due to the high latitude, the sky is really different from my country. It is very blue, clear and changeable and clouds move fast.
  You know, some designers always say, we hope people can enjoy the slow life and love the nature. I think, it is like the hollow slogan. But in this installation, I felt to be at the bottom of the ocean of air. Besides, I cannot control my potential consciousness, it wants meditation. I just want to seat down and watch the sky. As James said, create an experience of wordless thought.
  James Turrell also did many skyspaces in the world. He is interested in light.

  He use the concept of the "skyspace" design a temple hotel in Beijing. The skylight is combined with the theme perfectly. Normally, meditation space tends to be experimental. However, James's works show the possibility of connecting the spirit with buildings.

James Turrell's official website:

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